Breakfast and After School Clubs
Breakfast and After School Club contact number (this line is open during the club hours only): 07934 580722
Our Breakfast and After School Clubs, for pupils of Heycroft Primary School, run daily in term time. Our service provides a warm and caring environment where busy parents and carers can feel safe in the knowledge that their children will be well looked after and provided with snacks and meals.
Activities will be organised for the children each day to support and entertain them including sessions outdoors and in the ICT suite where possible. The details for the club are given below.
Both clubs will run during term time only and will not open on non-pupil days.
Both drop off and pick up will be via the after school club entrance on the back path and will be supervised by club staff. Access to the school will only be through the front pedestrian gate. Pupils will not be allowed to leave unless their collecting adult is present. Exceptions will be made for pupils in Year 6 on receipt of a letter from their parent or carer giving them specific permission to walk home from the After School Club.
Breakfast Club
7:45am to 8:45am (£4.50)
This session both include breakfast.
Pupils will walk to their classrooms at 8:45am.
After School Club
For pupils attending After School Club, teachers will send them to the club at 3:15pm. The session times for this club are as follows:
3:15 – 4:35pm Includes drink and snack (£5)
4:35pm – 6:00pm Includes snack and drink, no dinner (£5)
4:35pm – 6:00pm Dinner and drink included, no snack (£6)
3:15 – 6:00pm Includes snack and drink and dinner (£11)
Dinner will be served 5:00pm.
Snacks and meals
We follow government guidelines and we cater for allergies notified to us by parents/carers. Here are some examples of the range of foods we offer: Occasionally, we may provide different foods.
Breakfast Club Menu
A selection from the following:
Toast - with jam/honey
Cereal (nut free)
Drink – Blackcurrant /Orange / Milk/Water
After School Club Menu
Snack – biscuit, squash, water
Monday - Pizza.
Tuesday – Pasta.
Wednesday – Jacket potato, beans, ham or cheese, wedges & beans.
Thursday – Sausage with potato waffles & spaghetti hoops.
Friday – Fish fingers, wedges, peas
Drink – Blackcurrant & Apple /Orange /Summer fruits Juice/ Milk/Water
Please note menus subject to change.