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Heycroft Primary School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Class Dojo

From September 2023, we have successfully been using a learning platform called Class Dojo.

The aim

Teachers will be able to use Class Dojo to securely, share photos of key learning moments, give you text based updates and weekly reminders. The overall goal of introducing this is to boost student engagement and parent-teacher communication at Heycroft.

 Sign up

If you are new to the school your child will be bringing home an invitation for you to connect them to their new class on Class Dojo. On the invitation you will find a standard code and a QR code, either can be used to directly link to your child’s new class. You can choose whether to access Class Dojo via its website (www.classdojo.com) or by using the free app in your Android or iOS device. You will need to enter your email address to sign up.


Class Dojo may ask if you want to pay to upgrade to the family version, but this is not necessary as we are using the completely free version of the software. If you have multiple children at the school, you just need to sign in once then use the different codes on your other invitations to add them.

 Information feed not messaging

Class Dojo will be a one-sided communication feed from the school and we ask that you do not use the messaging function. Please still use the relevant year group email address to contact us for non-urgent matters e.g. year1@heycroft.southend.sch.uk and the office for urgent matters office@heycroft.southend.sch.uk.


We will be promoting Class Dojo in our year group information meetings during the first week back.

We will be sent another letter home from their class teacher during the first week back to help them join the communication feed.


You will be able to email classdojo@heycroft.southend.sch.uk with any questions/problems regarding Class Dojo.

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