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Heycroft Primary School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)


It is our aim to work closely with all parents in a partnership that benefits all children and ensures that their school experience is happy and secure.

The home/school agreement clearly states the expectations of pupils, staff and parents. When dealing with parental complaints the school adheres to guidance from SEEAT.

What is a complaint?

From time to time parents express concerns and these are dealt with as a matter of routine through discussion with the class teacher or another member of staff. Occasionally a parental concern may become more serious and develop into a complaint and be a clear statement of dissatisfaction. This may relate to a variety of issues. Anonymous complaints are discouraged as they are difficult to deal with in a way that will be useful to all parties.

Arrangements for managing complaints

Parents may request a copy of this policy from the school office at any time. Procedures will then be followed as outlined in the complaints policy. All complaints are handled in strict confidence and the school’s attitude to a pupil would never be affected by a parental complaint.

seeat complaints procedure mar 24.pdf




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