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Heycroft Primary School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Parent Forum

What is the Heycroft Parent Forum?

Heycroft Primary School’s Parent Forum seeks to represent the collective voice of parents and carers in discussions with the school's Governing Board and leadership team. It plays an active role in influencing, supporting and enhancing the development and learning of all children at our school.
email: parentforum@heycroft.southend.sch.uk

How will we do this?

The Parent Forum will:

  • Work closely with the Governing Board and School leadership team to ensure an open and beneficial dialogue exists.
  • Encourage closer links between home and school, helping parents and carers engage with their children's learning.
  • Assist governors, teachers and staff by commenting on new initiatives, drawing attention to areas of concern and contributing to solutions.
  • Enhance communication with and between all members of the school community.
  • Develop and disseminate ideas that improve the life of the school.

What are the principles guiding the Forum?

  • Collaborative: participating together for the benefit of the school community
  • Constructive: helping to identify effective solutions
  • Transparent: keeping everyone informed of meetings and their outcomes
  • Encouraging: welcoming ideas and initiatives to foster a positive ethos

Who can be part of the Forum?

All parents and carers of children attending Heycroft and are welcome to be part of the Forum.

In addition, a representative from the governors and the leadership team has committed to attend each meeting.

What will the Parent Forum not do?

The Parent Forum is not a decision-making body. It is a body which can feed in views and represent the parents and carers of issues surrounding the school.

The Parent Forum is also not the place to discuss concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff.

Why should parents & carers take part?

As a parent or carer, being part of the Forum can help you in a number of ways:

  • Good links between you and the school can improve your child's/children's enjoyment and chances of doing well.
  • It gives you an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and ideas of how you feel things could be improved.
  • It can help you get the advice and support to help and encourage your children with their learning.
  • It can break down barriers between the school and parents and improve working relationships.

How can parents & carers participate?

  • Parents and carers can participate in a number of ways:
  • All are warmly welcome to attend and participate at any Parent Forum meeting. If you would like to do so then please contact the school for more information. Alternatively you can complete and return the interest slip, which can be found on the ‘Parent Forum Letter’ on this page of the website. The school will then contact you regarding your interest in attending the Parent Forum.
  • By taking a role to help promote the Forum and make it work.
  • By participating in activities and letting either your Parent Forum Key Stage representative or a member of the Parent Forum Committee aware of your thoughts relating to Heycroft. Your suggested agenda items can be sent to the Governing Board representative, Katy Watson & Sarah Lennox, via email: parentforum@heycroft.southend.sch.uk

Minutes of meetings 



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